Free Kindle eBook- Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella

My debut novella is free on Amazon through this weekend. I hope all can take advantage of the offer and take a chance on “Green”.

“Near Fall”, the continuation of the story begun in “Green”, sits comfortably at about the halfway mark as I pause for a ghostwriting assignment, but I plan to post another excerpt soon, and will be aiming for a release, appropriately enough, near Fall of this year.

Thanks to all who continue to spread the word and tolerate my relentless shilling. More to come… \m/






“Green” FREE eBook: 3/15-3/19/2017

Get your FREE “Green” eBook on Amazon today!

Babyface: FREE Wrestling Romance New Adult eBook

The response to the Goodreads Giveaway for “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella” was fantastic; more than 600 entrants. As of today all 10 Winners’ copies of “Green” are out for delivery, but so many more added it to their ‘to-read’ shelves.

As a thanks, today through Jan.29th I’m offering “Babyface: Steal the Show” for FREE on Amazon Kindle.

While pro wrestling serves as the backdrop for ‘Babyface’, its a different voice and storytelling style than that of ‘Green’, tailored with hopes to reach readers of the voracious New Adult/College Romance variety. I do not know that it succeeds but it was fun to write and I hope fun for those that give it a try.

Novelette-size, the ‘Babyface’ eBooks, of which there are two, fall into Amazon’s Short Reads category, but you have my permission to take as long as you want.

If New Adult/Romance does not strike you, fear not.  “Near Fall” follows; the novella-length follow-up to “Green”. More soon.

Also, those following on Facebook may notice a growing number of wrestling photos and posts. My Author page is in the process of merging with my prior ‘Wrestler’ page. George’s worlds are colliding and I expect it won’t be pretty to most but me.

Now go get “Babyface”! That is all… \m/