Free Kindle eBook- Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella

My debut novella is free on Amazon through this weekend. I hope all can take advantage of the offer and take a chance on “Green”.

“Near Fall”, the continuation of the story begun in “Green”, sits comfortably at about the halfway mark as I pause for a ghostwriting assignment, but I plan to post another excerpt soon, and will be aiming for a release, appropriately enough, near Fall of this year.

Thanks to all who continue to spread the word and tolerate my relentless shilling. More to come… \m/






“Green” FREE eBook: 3/15-3/19/2017

Get your FREE “Green” eBook on Amazon today!

Babyface: FREE Wrestling Romance New Adult eBook

The response to the Goodreads Giveaway for “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella” was fantastic; more than 600 entrants. As of today all 10 Winners’ copies of “Green” are out for delivery, but so many more added it to their ‘to-read’ shelves.

As a thanks, today through Jan.29th I’m offering “Babyface: Steal the Show” for FREE on Amazon Kindle.

While pro wrestling serves as the backdrop for ‘Babyface’, its a different voice and storytelling style than that of ‘Green’, tailored with hopes to reach readers of the voracious New Adult/College Romance variety. I do not know that it succeeds but it was fun to write and I hope fun for those that give it a try.

Novelette-size, the ‘Babyface’ eBooks, of which there are two, fall into Amazon’s Short Reads category, but you have my permission to take as long as you want.

If New Adult/Romance does not strike you, fear not.  “Near Fall” follows; the novella-length follow-up to “Green”. More soon.

Also, those following on Facebook may notice a growing number of wrestling photos and posts. My Author page is in the process of merging with my prior ‘Wrestler’ page. George’s worlds are colliding and I expect it won’t be pretty to most but me.

Now go get “Babyface”! That is all… \m/

Good Kindle Reviews “Green”

Author Charles LeoGrande offers a glimpse of early 1970’s pro wrestling with his novella Green. It’s reasonable size at 111 pages, published November 30, 2016, and runs just 99-cents at…

Source: Charles LeoGrande “Green”

Christopher Hansen and J.R. Fehr “The Magician’s Workshop”

Am sharing this review of new e-fiction from Good Kindle Reviews; soon to be featuring “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella” on their incredible site.

Authors Christopher Hansen and J.R. Fehr released The Magician’s Workshop (Volume One) on November 8, 2016 – published by Wondertale. The book runs 247 pages, a little less than …

Source: Christopher Hansen and J.R. Fehr “The Magician’s Workshop”

Babyface: Wrestling and Romance – FREE New Adult & College Short Read Offer

An excerpt from “Babyface: Steal the Show”:

“Mr. Foley,” Lucy begged the man’s attention, “I’m Lucy Dowd, sir. You knew my uncle, Lucky.”

“And I knew you too,” Foley said, stepping back, “the pig-tailed kid always bouncing around that ring in Burlington, every time I was booked there. Wow— look at ya!”

“My uncle still speaks well of you, sir. I’m trained by him, and I’m looking for work.”

“Now, sweetheart, I…”

“It’s Lucy, sir; and I’m good. If there’s a spot on your show, I’d love to prove it.”

“You got your uncle’s confidence.”

“His dropkick too, sir.” Foley softened, taking the liking to her that most old-timers did, but told her he didn’t have another female for her to work. “I’ll wrestle anyone, sir.”

“It’s Foley,” he said, “an’ I’m sorry Lucy, but I ain’t putting a gal in the ring with a man, least-of-all the niece o’ Lucky Dowd.”

“I understand,” Lucy told him. “Thanks anyway, Foley. I won’t take any more of your time.”

“How far you come to hear me tell you no,” Foley asked her, again taking Lucy in, head-to-toe.

“King’s Mountain,” Lucy told him, holding her breath that Foley might reconsider.

   “Stick around, alright, stay for the show. I can’t put you on, but… let’s just see.”

Copyright 2016 © Charles LeoGrande

Fake Wrestling News

According to one man’s rumor mill, Charles LeoGrande is on the list of those being considered for a writer’s position with WWE.

When asked for his comment, LeoGrande explained, “Well, I filled out the application.” LeoGrande went on to tell the story of the storied wrestling company stopping at a Long Island coliseum for an event during which they would select a “Fan of the Night”. “I saw some company guys walking around the crowd, looking for their fan, and shouted to them, “Hey, you know who I am?” LeoGrande says they shrugged dumbfounded and he told them he was the “fan of the night”. “Starting my own rumor worked,” recalled LeoGrande. “By intermission, having found no better candidate, it was made official, so who knows? Maybe there’s something to this rumor-starting stuff.”*

World Wrestling Entertainment has yet to respond, but for more Pro Wrestling Fiction, “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella” is still FREE until 12/25 on Amazon Kindle.

*true story.

This Writer’s Guide: Part II

Sometimes guidance comes from the publisher…

Dear Charles,

Thank you for submitting to Better-than-You Press, and we are honored that you considered us to read your work. These are horribly hard decisions for us, but we are unfortunately going to pass on “Green.” This line of work is all so subjective, and another editor is sure to disagree with us, but ultimately, we have to connect fully with every aspect of the book, and we didn’t connect in the way that we must in order to represent it.

It’s with regret that we pass on Green. The author’s writing here is competent—at times quite strong—and the action of the plot is constantly driving. But from the start, we felt a heart lacking from it, and that never filled in. There’s a lack of complication through the first third of the novella that prevents the story developing beyond the bonds of simple anecdote.We think the author could really have something here, with some more work and complication.

We do hope you’ll submit to our press again in the future, and thank you for all your talents, time, and consideration. We look forward to watching you grow and bloom in the literary scene.

Jane Q. Dunwithew 
Better-than-You Press

As in Part I of this series on self-publishing, a steady diet of correspondence like this may lead you where it led me, to Amazon, where right now “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella” is FREE on Kindle until 12/25…. Click here to grab yours now.

This Writer’s Guide to Self Publication

…was aided and abetted by query responses from agents like this one:

RE: Query

Thank you for giving me a chance to consider your work. Unfortunately I don’t believe I’m the right person to represent this effectively.  

Publishing is a subjective industry by nature so don’t be discouraged.  I wish you the best of luck finding an agent who can represent your work with the enthusiasm it deserves. 



Passing Agent

Not Interested and Company

New York, NY 10003

Enough of those and the path to publication leads to Amazon, where my new eBook Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella is FREE until 12/25. Like the book, this publishing advice today is on the house.


Charles LeoGrande

FREE eBook: GREEN: Pro Wrestling Fiction FREE until Dec.25th!

Tis the season for reading. Please take advantage of my FREE offer for “Green: A Pro Wrestling Novella”, available NOW on Amazon. Giving IS better than receiving, so give yourself a freebie and enjoy.

Get it for FREE on Amazon until Dec 25th!